• 2023. 8. 31.

    by. AllyJung

    1. 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?


    My grandmother will buy ______ a computer.


    ① I ② myself ③ mine ④ me ⑤ my


    2. 다음을 우리말로 잘 옮긴 것은?


    나는 나의 학생들에게 일본어를 가르칠 것이다.


    ① I will teach my students Japanese.

    ② I will teach Japanese my students.

    ③ I will teach my students to Japanese.

    ④ I will teach Japanese for my students.

    ⑤ I will teach to Japanese my students.


    3. 아래 밑줄 친 단어를 올바른 형태로 바꿔 쓰세요.


    ① Mom, I decided study abroad.

    ② I hope buy my own building.


    ① ___________ ②______________


    4. 밑줄 친 단어의 형태로 알맞은 것은?


    I want eat out .


    ① eating ② to eat ③ eat

    ④ ate ⑤ eaten


    5. 괄호 안의 단어를 배열 하세요.

    James will ______________________________________________.

    ( Alice / send / a flower basket )


    6. 밑줄 친 동사가 목적어를 두개 갖지 않는 것은? (수여동사 아닌 거 찾기)

    ① I will show you some pictures.

    ② I will buy my best friend a gift.

    ③ I will play baseball with my team members.

    ④ I will tell him the story.

    ⑤ I will give my dad a letter.


    7. 어법 상 잘 못된 문장은?

    ① She likes to watch Korean dramas.

    ② He decided to go back to China.

    ③ She hopes traveling to New Zealand.

    ④ I needed to help my mom last week.

    ⑤ He finished writing his report yesterday.


    8. 빈 칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?


    Jina _________ to go to Lotte Cinema.


    ① enjoys ② likes ③ hopes

    ④ wants ⑤ plans


    9. 우리말을 영어로 옮길 때 4번째 오는 단어는?


    나는 그에게 내 정원을 보여줄 것이다.


    ① show ② him ③ will ④ my ⑤ garden


    10. 문법이 제대로 맞게 써진 문장은?


    ① She likes to talk with her mom.

    ② Robert enjoys eating sushi.

    ③ Peter decided to leave his country.

    ④ My uncle finished to build his house.

    ⑤ I plan to paint my house.