• 2023. 8. 23.

    by. AllyJung

    B. Listen and Choose
    What does the girl think about hamburgers?
    B: I’m hungry. Let’s have hamburgers for lunch.
    G: Again? You eat hamburgers too often.
    B: They’re really delicious. And they’re not very expensive.
    G: I know. But they're not good for your health.
    B: They have vegetables inside! They're healthy.
    G: I don't think so. They have too much fat and salt.
    a. They aren’t delicious.
    b. They are expensive.
    c. They aren’t healthy.
    C. Listen and Speak
    1. Look at the class meeting report and fill in the blanks.
    G: Today we're going to talk about our class field trip. Where can we go?
    B1: We can go hiking on Dobongsan. Hiking is exciting.
    G: I think so, too. Hiking is fun.
    B2: I don't think so. Hiking is hard. Can we go to the city zoo?
    B1: It's a fun place, but we went there last year.
    G: How about Bukchon Hanok Village? It’s nice there.
    B2: I think so, too. There are lots of cultural programs there.
    B1: Sounds good.
    B. Listen and Check
    Why does the girl read e-books?
    B: What are you doing?
    G: I'm reading a book. It's an e-book.
    B: Why do you read e-books?
    G: Because I can carry them easily. I have 20 books in my e-book reader now.
    B: That's great. Can I buy e-books from online bookstores?
    G: Yes. You can also borrow them on the library website.
    C. Listen and Speak
    1. Which video are the speakers talking about?
    G: Did you like this video about robots? I loved it.
    B: Yes, I did. Robots will do many things for humans in the future.
    G: I think so, too. We will have more free time thanks to them.
    B: You're right. I want the cooking robot from the video. It will cook lots of delicious food for me.
    G: That sounds great. I want a cleaning robot.
    B: Why do you want a cleaning robot?
    G: Because I can save time. It will clean my room every day.
    B: That's nice. Home robots will help us a lot.
    B. Listen and Write
    Read Jina’s diary and fill in the blanks.
    M: Jina, what do you want to be in the future?
    G: I want to be a pilot, Dad.
    M: That sounds good. Why do you want to be a pilot?
    G: I want to fly airplanes like Amelia Earhart.
    She's my role model.
    M: What do you like about her?
    G: She was very brave. She didn't give up on her dream. I'll try to follow my dream, too.
    C. Listen and Speak
    1. What program do they NOT talk about?
    G: Did you hear about the career camp?
    B: Yes. It sounds fun. I'm going to go to it.
    G: What programs are you interested in?
    B: I'm interested in the program with the chef. 3)I want to be a chef in the future. What about you?
    G: Well, I'm not sure. I want to find my dream job.
    B: Maybe you can find it at the camp. You can take a test and discover your interests.
    G: That's good.
    B: They also tell us about the best classes for our career.
    You can plan your studies.
    G: That sounds nice. I should go there.
    B. Listen and Choose
    Why does the boy feel bad?
    G: How was the baseball game?
    B: My team lost. I dropped the ball many times. I still feel bad.
    G: It's okay. People make mistakes.
    B: I want to help my team, but I'm already worried about the next game.
    G: Don't worry. You'll do better next time. We can practice together before the game.
    B: Thank you. You're very kind.
    C. Listen and Speak
    G: Mike, you look worried. What's wrong?
    B: The school play is this Friday. I'm going to act in front of a lot of people for the first time.
    G: What's your role in the play?
    B: I play the main character's dad.
    G: That's fun. You should wear your dad's clothes then.
    B: Right. Oh, I'm really nervous.
    G: Don't worry. You can do it. Practice more, and you'll do fine on stage.


    100발 100중 기출문제집 2학기 중간고사 중1 영어 능률 김성곤 (2023년) -중등 백발백중 영어 기출 2



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