• 2023. 8. 29.

    by. AllyJung

    중2 중간고사 직보 자료
    6과 문법
    (1) 가주어 ( It is 형용사 to 동사원형)
    It is difficult to use this computer.
    It is hard not to love her.
    It is great to see you.
    It is hard to read your handwriting.
    It is important not to give up
    It is easy to use the internet in Korea.
    It is hard to grab with your bare hands.
    It is interesting to look around the traditional markets.
    It is exciting to ride the roller coaster.
    It is important to get enough sleep.
    Is it possible to breathe underwater?
    It is interesting to see all the international goods there
    It is nice to relax in a cafe and read them
    It was so amazing to see its natural beauty.
    It was great to see the historical sites of this city from the park.
    (2)간접의문문 (의문사 + 주어 + 동사)
    Why he has bad breath is unknown.
    Do you know when the bus will come?
    She wants to know who the winner is
    I'm not sure who gave me this book
    I don't remember where the girl lived.
    Homer wonders why he feels hungry.
    She asked how much sugar is in the coke.
    Melinda knows who the man is.
    Steve didn't tell me when the movie began, so I missed it.
    Do you know where Hammington is from?
    The paper shows when the show starts.
    Daniel told us how he became a singer?
    It is difficult to understand what the teacher says?
    I'm not sure why Kate was so surprised.
    Do you know what it is famous for?
    Do you know where the first train station in Korea is?
    (3) 최상급 (the most)
    It is one of the most famous markets in Busan.
    It was the most amazing experience of the tour.

    (4) Then (그 다음에, 그리고)
    Then go to Gukje Market in Busan
    Then we walked to bosu-dong Book Street.

    5과 문법
    (1) 관계대명사
    The man who(m) I saw at the coffee shop was Park Jisung.
    The chicken salad which Lee Yeon bok made was very delicious.
    There was a dress in the box which that Alex sent me

    Who was the girl who that you met in front of the library?
    The man who that I was having lunch with was Yoojin.
    We loved the cat which that my grandmother adopted.
    I'll give you the butterflies which I caught yesterday.
    This is my aunt that I told you about
    Andy bought the same bike which I wanted.
    The book that she was reading is missing.
    These are the people who(m) I like most in my class.
    I want to call the boy who(m) I met at the party.
    This is the cell phone which I broke yesterday.
    Tell me the title of the book which you recommended to me.
    I am doing some work which I have to finish today
    Billy is my roomate who(m) I have lived with for five years.
    Let me introduce my friend who(m) I traveled with.
    I met the woman who(m) you are dinner with last Sunday.
    The only food that they could find was grass.
    The little black dress which she wore in a movie is famous even today
    One of the groups that helped her was UNICEF.
    People who respect her keep her mission alive.
    The man who lives next door is very friendly.
    They caught all the animals that ran away from the zoo.
    I spoke to the woman who owns the house.
    I've got a friend whose brother is an actor.
    That's the man whose house is 200 years old.
    This building is a public library whose roof is bright blue.
    The speech which we listened to last night was really good.
    Have you seen the book which I put on the table.
    Look at the boy and his dog that are standing there.
    you are the only person that can help me.
    She is the cutest girl that I have ever met.
    I gave him all the money that I had yesterday.

    (2) 감정 분사 (V-ed)
    Everyone was surprised at the fact.
    Rina looked bored in the science class.
    Someone was following me, and I felt scared.
    Jason didn't know about the surprise party, so he was really surprised.
    Dan is not a funny guy, but I'm not bored when I am with him
    We were so shocked when we heard about the accident.
    My mom was surprised at the news.
    Emma was disappointed with her test score.
    I am bored with computer game. Let's go out and play.
    I was very worried about his health.
    We were all excited because my brother made a goal in the soccer game.
    The child was very scared of the crocodile and began to cry.
    I didn't know you were interested in Latin dance.
    Doing youga makes me relaxed.
    (3) 비교급

    UNICEF collected more money than ever before.

    As you get older, remember you have two hands.

    (4) 4형식 --> 3형식 전환 (teach show give bring tell)
    She brought food to hungry children.
    She brought hungry children food.
    He showed the photo to me.
    He showed me the photo.
    They told the truth to me
    They told me the truth.

    (5) To 부정사 목적 (~하기 위하여)
    She visited Vietnam to hand out medicine and support clean drinking water programs.
    To honor her, UNICEF made a statue.

    남수단의 톤즈 사람들이 모두 울고 있는 중이였다.  몇 명의 어린이 들은 한 남성의 사진을 들고 걷고 있는 중이였다. 그 들은 매우 특별한 사람을 잃었다. 사진 속의 남성은 한국의 의사이자 신부인 이태석 이다. 2001년에 이태석 신부는 아프고 가난한 사람들을 돕기 위해서 톤즈에 방문했다. 톤즈에서의 생활은 힘들었다. 그래서 그는 곧 한국으로 돌아 왔다. 하지만, 그는 그곳을 사람들을 잊을 수가 없었다. 그래서 그는 톤즈로 그 다음해 다시 날아 갔다. 그 때부터 이태석 신부는 의사 선생님 음악가로서 지치는 줄 모르고 일했다. 첫 번째로 그는 하루에 300명 정도를 다룰수 있는 병원을 만들었다. 그리고 나서 그는 학교를 만들었다. 그는 심지어 수학과 음악을 가르쳤으며, 마을 사람들과 밴드를 만들었다. 음악이 가득 찰 때, 마을 사람들도 희망과 꿈으로 가득 찼다. 불행하게도 2008년도에 이태석 신부는 그가 암에 걸렸다는 걸 발견했다. 그는 암과 싸우려고 노력했지만 그는 2년후 48세의 나이로 죽었다. 많은 사람들이 그의 죽음을 듣고 슬퍼했다. 오늘날 그는 널리 존경 받는다 그의 아름다운 정신과 타인을 위한 위대한 사랑에 대하여

    주말에 집에만 있기 심심하지 않냐?
    인천에 와라 그리고 맛있는 음식을 먹어라 주말에
    토요일에 짜장면 콘테스트가 있을것이다. 너는 심사위원으로 참가하여 가장 좋은 짜장면을 선택할 수 있다. 일요일에는 유명한 쉐프인 경옥씨가 너에게 짜장면 소스 만드는 방법을 가르쳐 줄것이다. 축제 끝에는 큰 불꽃 쇼가 있을 것이다. 불꽃 놀이를 너의 친구 그리고 가족과 함께 보는 것은 정말 놀라울 것이다. 이 재미와 놀라운 축제를 놓치지 말아라.

    nursing home
    a place where people who are too old or sick to take care of themselves live.
    not able to see anything.
    to continue to live after something bad happens
    elderly 연로한 나이드신 very old
    turning point
    a time when a huge change takes place
    to say nice things about someone
    to treat someone with respect
    to suddenly know something
    living; not dead
    to admire or look up to somebody
    someone who is willing to do a job without getting paid
    in need
    not having enough things that are necessary for life.
    involving more than one country
    pass away = to die
    a sculpture of a person made from stome or metal
    to give something to help people
    a sudden event that causes damage
    spirit = soul
    terrible = very bad
    feed = to give food
    hit = a great success
    alive = not dead
    awesome = wonderful or impressive
    site = a space of ground
    natural = produced by nature
    goods = thing to be sold
    history = events that have happened in the past

    It's a good idea to donate old clothes to charity.
    I lost my balance and fell down.
    Somi did volunteer work at a nursing home.
    I do some volunteer work at an animal care center.
    He lives with his elderly mother.
    I helped the people in need.
    We'll never forget his spirit.
    Only five people survived the crash
    I feel better thanks to your advice
    Chris received worldwide attention.
    This was the turning point in my life.
    I'd like to make an international call.
    He gained both wealth and fame.
    My hobby is collecting stamps.
    I realize that value of health.
    The government planned to support the elderly.
    she passed away last month.
    We praised her cooking.
    Many people came to honor the queen.
    A statue of the king stands in the square.
    They finished their mission successfully.
    I hope that he is still alive.
    I broke my leg in the car accident
    They respected their father.
    We enjoyed every moment of the trip.
    Guide dogs help blind people.
    Brad lay down on the couch to relax.
    Where do you want to go on a field trip?
    That huge building is a museum.
    That are having fun in the amusement park.
    The stadium was filled with many sports fans.
    It will take a long time to go there on foot.
    The next stop on their read trip is the Grand Canyon.
    This restaurant features a variety of desserts.
    Our store sells a variety of goods.
    You'll be able to do anything you want.
    The car is in good condition.
    You have to focus on your studies.
    It was my first time going rafting, so I was very excited.
    The mountain road was rough.
    I'm excited and nervous at the same time.
    I like Western-style dishes better than Eastern-style dishes.
    The city has a lot of important historical sites.
    I visited a foreign country last month
    The leaves turn red in autumn.
    We enjoyed the scenery at the beach
    What is the purpose of your visit?